vendredi 13 novembre 2015

Jann Halexander - Et la Vie Continue

Jann Halexander 'Il n'y a plus de légendes...'

Jann Halexander : From memory and marginalia

From memory and marginalia

From March to December 2003 : first times on the radio, with "Alien Mother" on Radio G (Angers)
March 2004 : launch of " Halexander Songs " album (which includes "Alien Mother", "Brasillach 1945); the newspaper Ouest France writes about him; the academic Robert Martin studies the songs "Brasillach 1945" and " La fin de l'Apocalypse"
September 2004 : launch of the 3 songs- CD "L'Ombre mauve"; creation of the website
2005: first shows at the cabaret "L'Autrement Café", Angers. Launch of the 5 songs- CD "L'Amant de Maman" in November. The review Préférences Mag writes 4 pages about him
March 2006 : launch of the 6 songs- CD, "La Confession du Mulâtre"(which includes "Le Mulâtre", "A table", "Déclaration d'amour à un vampire", "J'Aimerais J'Aimerais"
2006, May the 23rd : Jann Halexander on stage with Aurélien Merle at the Lagerhall, in Osnabrück, Germany.
2006, June the 16th : launch of the short movie "Statross le Magnifique" DVD, by Rémi Lange, in which he acts Baron Statross Reichmann. He is also the author of the movie main title 
September 2006 : the dancing-bar L'Imanol organizes a photographs exhibition about Jann Halexander, in Angers
2006, October the 20th : Jann Halexander is on stage at the mythic Sentier des Halles, in Paris
2006, December the 20th : Jann Halexander is on stage at the central square of Mouscron, in Belgium, for Christmas celebrations (guest by the Mayor)
2007, July the 20th : launch of the short movie "J'Aimerais J'Aimerais" DVD, by and with Jann Halexander (he is also the author of the movie main title). He is on stage for the Universités Euroméditerrannéennes des Homosexualités (the year before, it was the singer Nicolas Bacchus). He participates in a program TV with Karine Lemarchand, on France 5
2008 : during January, he acts as the vampire Pretorius Malan in the monologue " Confessions d'un VVampire Sud- Africain" that he wrote, at the Musée des Vampires, near Paris 
2008, February the 20th : launch of the movie "Occident" DVD, by and with Jann Halexander (he is also the author of the movie main title). Jann Halexander begins to be famous out of France, in Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Italy, England, but also Canada, Usa, Argentina, South Africa, and Gabon (his native country), thanks to his movies. He participates in the TV program "Zoom Afrique", on France O
2008, March the 5th : launch of the CD "Le Marginal", which includes "O bel Anjou", Mathilde et son pianiste"( lyrics written by Anne-Cécile Makosso-Akendengué, his mother), "On s'ennuie pas", "J'avance jusqu'à maintenant". Produced by Apoplexia and MIdi 52
From May to November 2008 : on stage in several theatres for the show "Rendez-vous Secret", with the actress, singer and voice actress Maïk Darah. For the first time, a musician is on stage with him, to play guitar 
2008, October the 31st : he sings 4 songs in a show with several artists, organized by Editions Lalouline at the Tandem Music center, in Caen. He participates in a documentary of Laure Michel, on Arte
2009 : shows in Germany and Belgium. The biograph Bernard Violet writes on him in his book about Yannick Noah ("Yannick Noah, Le Guerrier Pacifique")
2009, March the 17th : he sings "Les gens de couleur n'ont rien d'extraordinaire", in a ceremony against racism, at the Barbara center, in Paris. He participates in a program TV on M6, with Maïk Darah
2010 : launch of the CD "Obama", which includes " Les gens de couleur n'ont rien d'extraordinaire", "Gabon", "Chroniques d'une famille australienne"
March 2010: launch of the movie " Une dernière nuit au Mans" by and with Jann Halexander (he is also the author of the movie main title) and Maïk Darah
2010, June the 11th : on stage at L'Archipel, in Paris. The biograph and song writer Alain Pozzuoli writes 2 pages about him in his book "Sexy Songs", about eroticism in songs (talking about "J'Aimerais J'Aimerais"). He participates in the documentary "L'Amour en tous genres" by Olivier Boucreux on France 3
2011 :shows in Koln and Paris, with a chorus line. He is invited by the Mayor of Aniche (Nord Pas-de-Calais), on November the 12nd, at the Jacques Tati cinema, and he sings a dozen of songs to end a cinema festival . Launch of the novel " Confessions d'un Vampire Sud Africain", from the theatre play
2012 : several shows in Paris. Launch of the CD "Tristes Tropiques", which includes " Aucune importance", "Il est minuit Docteur Schweitzer". Régis Dubois talks about him in his book "Les Noirs dans le cinéma français". Launch of the movie "La Bête Imonde" DVD, by and with Jann Halexander (he is also the author of the main title), and Maïk Darah
2013, March the 21st : ten years carreer- concert at L'Auguste Théâtre, in Paris. Several shows in Paris, Angers, Bordeaux
2013, September the 27th : launch of the CD "Moi qui rêve", during a show at Le Magique , a cabaret managed by Marc Havet, in which Jann Halexander played at the beginning of his Parisian carreer. The CD includes "Moi qui rêve", written with the writer Agnès Renaut
2013 November the 5th : he participates in a conference at the Bordeaux university, about "being an artist".He also launches several novels " Comme dans une chanson d'Anne Sylvestre", "Nuit à Hogsback", " La Bête Immonde"
2014 : several shows (Paris, Bordeaux, Angers);launch of the CD "Un bon chanteur est une chanteur mort"; he is invited by the singer Frederic Pages to participate in shows as tribute to Nougaro ( March the 7th, 8th and 9th) in Paris
2015 : he is invited in the program TV "Chez Tantine" on TV Sud, and in the program "JJDA" with Jacky, on IDF1. He performs in Paris the show "Un bon chanteur est un chanteur mort" for the last time
From 2003 to 2015 : many CD, movies (DVD), novels and books, thousands of them were sold; hundreds of shows in France, Belgium, Germany..
And it is just the beginning...

jeudi 30 juillet 2015



Théâtre du Gouvernail

5 Passage de Thionville, 75019 Paris


18 euros
14 euros (booking)

Book : 0033680150524

lundi 15 juin 2015

New productions

Jann Halexander : 4 disques...

4 CD [MP3] available on

Next concert JANN HALEXANDER : AFFIDAVIT – 7 /11/ 2015  Théâtre du Gouvernail [Paris]
Production : Trilogie Halexander

Jann Halexander : new songs